Recipe: Homemade Herbal Tea
Homemade Herbal Tea.
You can cook Homemade Herbal Tea using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Homemade Herbal Tea
- 1 of lemongrass.
- 6 of stems of mint leaves.
- 2 of cinnamons.
- 7-8 of cloves.
- 2 of small brown sugar cane.
- 3 cm of ginger.
- 1 of lemon.
Homemade Herbal Tea step by step
- Preparation: Wash the lemongrass, mint, and ginger. Cut the lemongrass into three parts. Same things as ginger, slice it into four or five slices and smash it with the knife./Cuci serai, mint, dan jahe. Potong serai menjadi tiga bagian. Sama halnya dengan jahe, iris menjadi empat atau lima irisan dan hancurkan dengan pisau..
- Prepare the boiling pan, put ginger, lemongrass, three stems of mint leaves, and the ingredients except for the lemon./Siapkan panci perebus, masukkan jahe, serai, tiga batang daun mint, dan bahan kecuali lemon..
- Add four cups of water and boil it for twenty minutes. Filter the tea using sieve, and pour it into a cup./Tambahkan empat cangkir air dan rebus selama dua puluh menit. Saring teh dengan menggunakan saringan, dan tuangkan ke dalam cangkir..
- Serve the hot tea, add the lemon slice and fresh mint leaves to the cup before drinking it./Sajikan teh panas, tambahkan irisan lemon dan daun mint segar ke dalam cangkir sebelum meminumnya..
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